As much as I am in full agreement about how awful this plan is and everything you are doing to broadcast that, it is my understanding this has not passed Congress, that is the House AND the Senate. Am I missing something?
yes it will pass. Thune was threatening to go first if Johnson didn't get moving. He did. The bill is a Brinks Truck robbery by the GOP again. That's what they do. You can't blame them. People vote them into office. All you have to do is say - gay or trans or "illegals" over and over in various ways for a few months and their voters will vote their own executions. It is sad to write this but it is also true. We live with millions of voters with zero critical thinking skills and zero knowledge of the issues at stake or how the country works.
What about the ones you swear know better but are just idk, undeserved blind faith. My sister is far from stupid. But anything I say is fake. My receipts are fake. I'm delusional. 😥 It hurts and I'm so sick of it.
My question about Upgrading-- if one puts the Annual plan for $50 and less than $5. per month, there are Soo many worthy posters on Substack. HOW Much are you charged upfront 50$???? just wondering because on this day of No Spending and limited income, I really really need to know. I support everyone who is covering or reporting on close races !! We have a real club ker up here in North Minnesota. He was not Magat but is ultra conservative. and Not too bright. Big protest last weekend!!
Johnny, last night I made 10.00 checks to PBS Montana, Planned Parenthood, SPLC,and DNC. Only income is . So next month you are first on the list.
Also a few of my other favorite writers on Substack. Merisault, Erin in the morning, Walter Rheim and a few others. I appreciate all independent journalists. I m not giving to a church until they denounce this dRump-musk authoritarianism dictatorship. Thank you Johnny for your work.
The budget has not passed....only a RESOLUTION has passed but it's still not good for the American people. The cuts Republicans want will hurt millions of Americans in red states as well as blue states. Republican and tRump voters really have no clue what's coming.....and there will be plenty of buyers remorse.
Congress is a bunch of gutless losers who will all be sitting home waiting for karma for the evil they’ve done.
As much as I am in full agreement about how awful this plan is and everything you are doing to broadcast that, it is my understanding this has not passed Congress, that is the House AND the Senate. Am I missing something?
Correct --it has passed the House. But it WILL pass the Senate, so I don't think he's wrong to pre-emptively say it has passed Congress.
yes it will pass. Thune was threatening to go first if Johnson didn't get moving. He did. The bill is a Brinks Truck robbery by the GOP again. That's what they do. You can't blame them. People vote them into office. All you have to do is say - gay or trans or "illegals" over and over in various ways for a few months and their voters will vote their own executions. It is sad to write this but it is also true. We live with millions of voters with zero critical thinking skills and zero knowledge of the issues at stake or how the country works.
What about the ones you swear know better but are just idk, undeserved blind faith. My sister is far from stupid. But anything I say is fake. My receipts are fake. I'm delusional. 😥 It hurts and I'm so sick of it.
No. You are absolutely correct - I'm sick of the fear mongering, even from liberals. Disgusted.
Vance bullied as a child now a bully on a world stage. What an absolute piece of shit
#senatortoddyoung shout out to you for being a pathetic coward!
Thanks for all you’re doing, Johnny. Proud paid subscriber. Let’s do this!
Thanks Johnny!
My question about Upgrading-- if one puts the Annual plan for $50 and less than $5. per month, there are Soo many worthy posters on Substack. HOW Much are you charged upfront 50$???? just wondering because on this day of No Spending and limited income, I really really need to know. I support everyone who is covering or reporting on close races !! We have a real club ker up here in North Minnesota. He was not Magat but is ultra conservative. and Not too bright. Big protest last weekend!!
Johnny, last night I made 10.00 checks to PBS Montana, Planned Parenthood, SPLC,and DNC. Only income is . So next month you are first on the list.
Also a few of my other favorite writers on Substack. Merisault, Erin in the morning, Walter Rheim and a few others. I appreciate all independent journalists. I m not giving to a church until they denounce this dRump-musk authoritarianism dictatorship. Thank you Johnny for your work.
The budget has not passed....only a RESOLUTION has passed but it's still not good for the American people. The cuts Republicans want will hurt millions of Americans in red states as well as blue states. Republican and tRump voters really have no clue what's coming.....and there will be plenty of buyers remorse.
Every god damn day is a shit show in the USA. Thats what happens in shit show countries.
Trump is a lap dog. The last time this happened Chamberlain and Stalin did that with Hitler.
Add republican voters and elected officials.