Donald continues to lie

wont even call Putin a dictator

another reason why for certain

Trump is a traitor

An enemy to the ideals we hold

so very dear

Every day in every way be makes it crystal clear

America Voted against condemning Russian aggression

Each move he makes is totally a transgression

He wants to be king he’s very bold

Heard he’s on the way to Fort Knox to take all the gold

yet Maga senators still genuflect.

to this craven lout

this amoral draft dodging pussy grabbing boy scout

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Clever -and true.

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You should collab with Luke Beasley, Meidas Touch, and David pakman

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MSNBC Is A Piece Of Trash And Racist Getting Rid Of All The Good People And Keeping There Clowns Morning Show Joe And Mika

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MSNBC, was the last to cave to DT— will Rachel be next? I hope SudStack, prominent voices will broadcast- FOX is also “mainstream media”- bought and paid for opinions. Encourage all citizens to read independent journalists only- and where to find them. Thanks.

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Love your work Johnny. I support you 100%.

What is the source of the reason for the terminations? Are they using ratings as an excuse?

Are we assuming they were let go because of their race or is it speculation?

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Will you investigate— why are planes crashing, since T took office and made staffing cuts— somebody needs to. We get an initial report— then nothing! Are there no investigators now? Where are the black box results? Are they squashed? People need to know!

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What the absolute MF'g SHIT!!!

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I'm done with them and disappointed in Maddow for her capitulation and staying on board with the racist, homophobic and misogynistic overloards now running MSNBC. Her grand gesture of supporting her dear friend Joy rings so hollow to me. She doesn't need them but they sure as hell need her. Tisk, tisk, tisk. Mainstream media is absolutely dead. The AP are the only righteous organization left!

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The war for the goddamn truth started a long fucking time ago.

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And zeteo

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