Than you Papa Francis for showing the fake Christians that he is a FALSE BLASPHEMOUS DEMON!

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If only Pope Francis had the courage to endorse Kamala BEFORE the election and not just say “choose the lesser of two evils.” Too little, too late

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The Bible, Torah & Quran are nothing more than elaborate works of fiction. Written by man, to subjugate man. If the Pope, YHWH or Muhammad had told the billions of their gullible Sheeples to vote for Satan; instead of the "lesser of two evils," being sufficiently brainwashed, unable or more accurately unwilling to think for themselves; they would have done so. It certainly would have been one helluva impressive write in campaign.

Without guidance from their Make Believe Santa Claus In The Sky deity's, they are only just barely capable of running around in circles, clueless and bleating.

There's a reason we call them Sheeples.

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Too little too late. The Pope knew about trump's plan and was practically radio silent until now. Father Mann currying favor from trump and Eminence Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York being gaslit by Trump right in front of him at the charity ball.

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Well, that's a bit like calling the kettle black, isn't it? Especially given the Church's history with child sex abuse. I do know that Cardinal Dolan is a strong Trump supporter. Maybe Pope Francis should be looking into him as well.

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Kinda doubt the Pope would agree re women’s/LGBTQIA rights, but you definitely hit the nail on the head about the difference between “God’s plan” and the plans of the US Christian Right.

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🙏 Praying for Pope Francis, a beacon of hope amid AI tyranny. As he fights pneumonia, his plea for ethical AI 🤖 shines. He reminds us: “No machine should ever choose to take the life of a human being.”⚖️ Let’s demand accountability and ensure AI uplifts, not oppresses, in this age of algorithmic rule. 🙏


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I hope Pope Francis recovers and has many more years as pope, but I dread which cardinal might be the next pope if he does pass.

Someone like Cardinal Peter Erdö, a friend of Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán, and who said during the 2015 migrant crisis that Hungary's church would not take in refugees because it is equivalent to human trafficking, would be a disaster for compassion and human rights.

On the other hand, Mykola Bychok is Ukrainian-born and the youngest cardinal in the world. His election, although unlikely, would make a profound statement against war and aggression. It would also be eerily reminiscent of “The Shoes of the Fisherman.”

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Indeed, it's a direct assault on the Catholic business bottom line. 'Cuz a lot of immigrants are Catholics, frequent Catholic churches and tithe their money to the Catholic churches. When hordes of immigrants don't show up, there's less money in the collection basket.

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Are you listening MAGA Catholics??

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A MAGA catholic is a moron.

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No offence to Pope Francis BUT he also does not know God’s plan. Maybe He (God) is looking down on the world and shaking his head because we did not learn our lesson from when hitler was trying to concur Europe. Just maybe He thinks we needed a refresher a “little” shakeup a “little” reminder

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Pope Francis, just another hypocrite. He essentially endorsed Trump by not endorsing Harris.

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Your silly essay exemplifies why the pews are increasingly empty. Pope Francis seems much more concerned with leftist politics than he is with saving souls.

Although frustrating, it brings me joy that leftist heads are exploding.

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I’m glad to see a push back from many in the church. Even the Monsignor we watched today in DC spoke about how we should be protecting the weak and the needy, not demonize them.

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Cool - Pope Francis. Uncool - Felon 45+

Let’s not shoot ourselves in the foot by trashing Pope Francis.

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If it's not God’s plan, what is Trump then?

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Yes, that happened. Gracias, Francisco

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Are you listening MAG

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