Empeaching the President requires a majority of Democrats in the House and I believe a 60% majority in the Senate to impose the punishment. Presently, we don't have it and the Maga Republicans would all unite to fight it every inch of the way. Hopefully, mid term elections will change this.

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I agree with you. They need to be impeached.

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How can anyone with a conscience or empathy or just plain common decency watch these rich bastards destroy America??? The time to impeach IS NOW.

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I’m surprised he’s on board with all of this not that I didn’t think he wasn’t . But his wife ? Does he not care? Nobody’s thinking about their families or their grandchildren or their parents. I’m very sad that this is what some people voted for.

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He has already sold out his wife but telling musk to rehire his minion who is for Indian hate! The GOP is nothing but a bunch of sell-outs for the felon!

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It’s treason, pure & simple. To the flag-waving maga “patriots” I say this: Patriot is defined as someone who vigorously supports the country and the constitution. You can’t support trump and declare yourself a patriot.

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Vance wants a white Christian nationalist Society and he is doing everything in his power to create the United States of America into one.

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Impeach the motherfuckers

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Explain to me how impeachment stops this

We’ve impeach Trump twice nothing happened

So why are we gonna do it a third time when we’re not the major majority

I’m asking a hard question and I don’t want you all just to criticize me for asking it instead I’m looking for somebody to actually give me a real good reason why impeachment will work this time..

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The house impeached but the Republicans controlled the senate at that time (if I'm not mistaken). The senate doles out the punishment. Since the Rs controlled the senate there was no punishment. Democrats need to control both and have the votes in both for impeachment AND punishment.

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We've got to make it to the midterms and blow the magats out of the water. Then we can have a dem speaker and impeach both of them.

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Where did these eejits go to school for goodness sake?

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If you pack their bags to send them to Russia, I'll pay their airfare. But no first class for them. It'll be economy seating all the way.

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The republicans have a trifecta, and will not help.

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Trump would support a Vance impeachment so he can be number 1.

Then when we win the 2026 we Impeach Trump and then the Democratic speaker of the house Harkeem will be Prez.

OMG this would be awesome, except I’m not sure we can survive 2 years. 😢

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Keep calling!! It works!

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Interesting though that the Supreme Court said that judges could tell agencies what they could or could not do in lieu of the trained scientists who work for those agencies.

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