Bravo Johnny! I'm sickened, saddened and full of rage for our country. I can't stop, won't stop, running my mouth. Thank you for speaking truth to power. You are an important voice.

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Flagrant lie after lie. It’s was a schmalz-fest. I need to go take a TUMS.

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💯💩 feast 🖕🤬

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That was a horrific show ever seen in the State Capitol State of the Union Address. To also tell outlandish lies about Biden was sickening. I have no sympathy for this group of Republicans clapping,& cheering for an unwell delusional man. Trump needs mental help ASAP! We witnessed indecent claims of enormous proportions. If he thinks repeatedly lying makes any sense to anyone but himself. God save us from the abominable greed & theft of the American people who work hard & pay taxes every day. We need to stop this group of Republicans & the man they put in office.

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If we could only get the 4 Republicans that did not stand each time their compadres did to flip over to the Democratic side. 🤔

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Well said Sir! Yours is a strong voice of reason, logic and empowerment. Great Spirit bless you. A’ho!!

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Great read but painful read. I wish ppl would stop trying go diagnose trump or musk with a mental health disorder- I am qualified to diagnose using the DSM- THEY ARE SO EGO DRIVEN & JUST PRICKS. Rather than discussing trump’s dementia signs, let’s flip it to trump’s EGO FRAGILITY & MUSK- I know dementia is a real concern but his ego is totally driving his entire being. GREED. POWER. COMTROL a form of addiction developes like any drug bc brain loves those dopamine et al boost- the good stuff gets going & have do escalate bc brain also tries to achieve homeostasis by releasing chemicals to balance out those joy juices. So there’s a crash.

What is driving policy is ego

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Thank you for this💔

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The love bestowed on that lying smug piece of shit by his loyalists is incomprehensible. "Christians" love this stuff? American patriot Founding Father Christians buy his Putin romance and buy tossing our allies under the bus? ?? Buy tossing sick and dying children under the bus? These people are depraved and Mike Johnson the Holier than thou evangelical may have been the most disgustingly obsequious of them all. Good grief what a psycho clown show...

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Wouldn’t it be sad if some little *accidents* began befalling certain evil beings? Just sayin

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..just agreeing...

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Well done! This should have been the democratic response. I want to share it but I don’t know how on this venue. Thank you so much.

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Who was the man Trump had thrown out at the beginning? And my God did they need that many minions to escort him out? Than that damn congressman ripping that sign that said 'This is so wrong' out of that womans hand was just disgraceful!! Now here in Minnesota Canada put a 25% tariff on our electricity along with 3 other states...I just wanna cry for I don't think we'll be able to afford to keep the heat and lights on here..😪

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Use the 5 calls app - make calls- it easy and quick - we need to keep the pressure up!!

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Al Green.

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Thank you for always laying it out so thoughtfully and for always standing up for democracy.

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Excellent letter. All of us need to write and tell the Republicans exactly what we think of them in not a kind manner.

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They don’t seem to care 🫤

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I couldn’t have said it better. Donald is a disgrace. I hope he gets carried out very soon.

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F you Drumpf!

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Thank you for enduring ! We will all remember this and not because it was meaningful. Hard times are now but we are strong together. Keep bringing us together. Keep doing this work you are our glue.

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