Today is the 50 State Capitols protest at noon. I’m going and I suggest everyone do the same if you are close to your Capitol. Even if you are not, protest in your local area. The people united will never be defeated.

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Of Course This Evil Monster Will Be Doing Exactly What You Said And The Main Media Will Cover Up All His Lies. Well I Won’t Be Watching That Piece Of Shit Spreading His Lies And Dangerous Rhetoric.

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Dana on CNN was looking pretty green around the gills as she was interviewing some MAGA political hack the other day. I couldn't watch it.

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I just subscribed! I’ve been so impressed with your posts. We have to support each other and stick together. Thank you!

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im not going to watch this asshole at all. no one should. we should protest hid entire media presence. we can hear the shot he says after the fact. why give this monster oxygen? and please dont say ‘we need to know’. We already do. his only weapon is his huge media presence. lets cut that off at the knees

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Couldn't pay me to watch this fool. He shouldn't even be allowed to speak unless he tells the truth. So, he can't. Worst excuse for a leader ever. Loser. Felon. Con Man . Coward.

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Every elected democratic should take all of the axed fed employees and axed humanitarians and so on with them in defiance and protest. They should resist decorum. Interrupt him. Boo him. Etc

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All the Democrats should turn their back to Rumpy when he lies! That unfortunately means he will be addressing their backs through the whole godforsaken dribble!!

Or they could put their left hand up palm facing Rumpy gesturing talk to the🫸🏼 ✋🏼

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They won't. Most are useless cowards.

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I don’t think they are cowards, they have too much integrity and won’t blatantly disrespect someone, albeit a disgusting POS like tRumpy! My statement was more wishful thinking. They can’t take themselves out of the game but ripping up his speech would be a drop the mic moment for sure!

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The response to his lies tonight will determine whether we have any hope!

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yep...so we don't let his lies into our eyes and ears and BOYCOTT the entire GROSS NASTY talk. Everytime he opens his pie hole, lies fall out which his mind just spews naturally. I find looking at him or hearing that voice is a major start of a heart attack onsetting. Don't even want to hear the rebuttals because I could have written them with more vitriol.

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When you quote the facts my blood boils living 75 years I’ve witnessed a lot but this is so wrong on every level. All the wars our ancestors died in fighting for Democracy. History I was told about my grandfather in WWI and my other grandparents surviving the Armenian genocide and my father fighting in WWII to all the brave people fighting for democracy and now having a truly mad criminal malignant sociopath run the show is sicking . As Tom Petty sang “ I will not back down. “

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How? I've been speaking out my whole life. It doesn't matter if others won't listen. They won't and they don't. This isn't a viable plan. The only actual bulwark against Trump is the courts and it is deeply flawed. Even if it was perfect he can just ignore rulings with impunity now...and he will. Because there is no mechanism to enforce them. If everyone suddenly rose up he will declare martial law.

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That POS will not be on my TV at all!

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Nothing good comes from trumpf.

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Thank You. I'll be protesting in our small village of Hesperia Michigan on Saturday.

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Trump has declared arrests will be made of any protests and protesters

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Boycotting the program will do nothing. Keep that Congressional phone ringing! Demand they Fire the government employee who has total access to our government with no security clearance for violating the processes and procedures of the US Constitution. Endangering the President by false claims of fraud. Endangering the US People! Remove him from the US. Terminate his VISA. Seize his US held contracts. Seize his US held Assets including Properties. Seize the permissions of all internet accesses held in the US. ESCORT him back to S. Africa with the clothes on his back. ENDANGERING THE PRESIDENT is the biggest one!

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