We MUST take the House and Senate! It will, literally, be the only thing that saves us. IF they "allow" us to vote, I truly think we will!

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That’s what we’ve been concerned about, will there even be an election ever again?

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I’m holding onto that hope. It’s in the Constitution. The buck stops there.

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We dont have that long. It'd tea party time!

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We need to retake the H and the S in 2026. We could then impeach not just #facistfelon47 but also Vance. Johnson is also up for re-election in 2026.

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Can’t manage subscription in the app

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Thank you our group is going to be working on getting as many donations as we can for the special elections on 1 April

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This makes me happy today.

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No we’re not!

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Fucksticks keep fuckin around and because they keep fuckin around, they keep finding out. So, one would think that if you keep fuckin around and the same shit keeps happening to you, you might just want to get out of your fucked up “Groundhog Day” mentality and realize the cult ain’t really working for ya.

But this entire well thought out discussion with you was actually like pissing in the wind, I got wet and you have zero comprehension of what I just said.

Fucking arguing with MAGAts is worthless, but next time, I’m gong to put a fan in a direction were my puss misses me and soaks you.

MAGAt, thanks for allowing to explain, in plain English how stupid you are

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Johnny, it’s because those traitors realize that they can’t afford to live outside of prison anymore since Trump took over,,,

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How do we stop Musk’s “interference?” I feel like they can rig all of them!

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Don’t forget the Governor of Texas abbot he Pardon the El Paso Walmart shooter hours after his conviction. In Texas we only convict women trying to protect them selves from bad pregnancies. Hispanic Lives don’t count ( that includes all especially minorities).

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It isn't letting me upgrade in app?

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I can’t upgrade my subscription in the app. I need a link. This happens all the time with others. Perhaps include a upgrade link in your posts

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