I literally cannot understand why people cannot get it through their thick skulls.


Did you hear that?


He never has and he’s never even been subtle about the fact he doesn’t.

He’s not even a good liar, and you guys ate it up. Refused to see it.

Classic narcissistic and manipulative behavior and you refuse to see it. STILL.

So blinded by hate and his pandering to you on a few key issues that you have continued to look past all the evidence that CLEARLY shows he doesn’t give a fuck about you.

You all were always a means to an end for him.

You ate it up.

You fell for it.

You all ruined your own relationships with the people in your lives begging you to not only do better, but for the LOVE OF GOD why can’t you see that he doesn’t care about you? Any of us?

He always has, and always will be, interested in watching out for his own interests and the interests of those he shares a tax bracket with.


You will all suffer with the rest of us.

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That is so true. During Covid, when trump was giving a rally, he said to an aide "thank God that I don't have to shake the bastards' hands."

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And try to make changes. Despite all.

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Totally agree. The Trump Voters traded a highly educated lawyer who has integrity, education and experience to grow America. But you white supremest assholes were hell bent on NOT electing the best qualified person because she was a threat to your low life penis egos. Fuck all of you who voted for him. I am a 25 year retired military female Veteran…educated, who also worked for the government, who is a cousin of three Presidents, and my lineage is German and Northern Isles. There is no way I would ever support a criminal con like Trump and his circus clowns….no way, ever. I say fuck you voters, fuck Republican Congress and Elon Musk.

You owe Americans. You will pay.

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Thanks for the heads up! Gonna go get a look at thus tax plan for the rich and corporations. I can't wait!

PSA: Any fucking Democrat in the Senate or House that votes for this shit tax plan to make the rich richer needs to be primaried in 2026! Vote them out!

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Fetterman must be primaried.

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No kidding

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You just work to primary out the Republicans first.

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I'll never understand why ppl vote for his words when his actions are always in his best interests. Everything is transactional. Everything. He never wrote down any actual plan bc he needs to pivot on a whim and they expected him to work for them. Smh. They have been taken again and voted on a proposal of ideas that was sold on what the faces of the crowd looked like that day...checks always in the mail with this guy. And the Dems will save them again with no thank you.

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Thanks for what you do.

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Hope we make it to the primaries.

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We can't change small minds so let's make sure no one sits out another election vote Democrat

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This shouldn’t be a surprise! It’s his MO!

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Your takes are right on target but the orange man has not changed even as a reality show host he was a fake. Then this election he had been sued by the state oh New York, convicted felon by the city of New York and found responsible for rape and slander civilly. Then voters who voted for President Biden in 20. Didn’t vote for VP Harris in 24. Our country has a serious character flaw or a lot less intellectual than we give them credit for. When are we going to learn that you vote for who you can trust not who says what you want to hear. I don’t support Biden or Harris but I know where they stand. It’s time to resists MAGA

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Tammy the scammer has posted this scam 30 times. I will report and get her banned, but the problem is another fake name will pop up tomorrow. When will this end?

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As a disabled person who has been a Veteran of These Antonyms of Good? Dumbfounded and engaged.

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Well, well here we go!!!

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I sure hope the maggots finally will wake up in the next election cycle!!! I really can’t understand how people could vote for Trump knowing everything he said and did while campaigning! I knew I would never vote for him but I listened to both sides! He told us what he was going to do! REVENGE

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I’m in the U.K. from Pennsylvania, I’m trying to access his budget but I only get news outlets. Does anyone know where I can get this directly?

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Well, I'm glad because not paying taxes for those of us that are on Social Security would make the trust fund end in 6 years rather than the longer time frame.

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