What a disgusting pig. As a Canadian, I feel so badly that your country is having to endure this nonsense. Sadly MAGA voters may be thinking the same, but it's to late for second thoughts. What a disgrace.

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That’s the perfect description. What a soulless excuse for a human. There isn’t a word to describe the disgustingness of this human. He needs to be committed and put away forever.

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I’m not sure any psych ward would want him

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Please. And soon!

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We are ashamed of our government! But we will support Canadians independence and we will not tolerate the bullshit that’s happening in our country! Thank you for caring our friends 🍁🇨🇦

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I would’ve never have imagined our country, and democracy would be in this situation until trump was made the republican nominee in 2016. I was familiar with trump’s history over the years. I knew it would be disastrous were he to be elected. Now, here we are again without the heroes who stood by their oaths to the Constitution during his first presidency, and project 2025 as the roadmap for destroying our democracy. Sadly, even now his supporters I know personally still support what he’s doing. I believe it would take a catastrophic event for them to realize what they’ve done. And even then, I would expect they would blame someone else.

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He is a national security disaster

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Hey, don't demean pigs like that!

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Pigs have feelings too. They are the most intelligent animals. Technically, they could do a better job as president of the USA 🇺🇸

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My bad! Sorry little piggies!

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I actually used to think pigs were cute . He ruined that for me

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I still like the piggies, but it does make one wonder about men and that's a terrifying thought. It's great to continue to find the opposite sex attractive but DJT has done it for men what you think he's done about pigs for you. As crazy as all this sounds.

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Fore sure! Pigs are intelligent.

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I’m so worried for the rest of my family. America is such a beautiful nation and why there are those who want it destroyed for selfish gains is beyond comprehension. So sad and totally wrong.

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Who are the pigs?

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I get it pigs are much a better choice for our country!! But we won’t have farmers , rancher and crop pickers ! They’ve ben deported , and some of our men are misogynistic and dependent on woman to support them. So they will not be of ANY HELP. Please don’t misunderstand not ALL MEN

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Wishing I was a Canadian citizen right now

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Please don't insult pigs. They are very intelligent. Let's just call DJT Filth or GARBAGE.


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You should visit Florida now - we have two excellent democratic candidates in two districts in Florida on April 1 and later in New York - if they get elected we can flip the house !!

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Gosh I hope they win, I am trying to find out what I can do from my red state of Indiana to help them get elected.

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Maureen, I’m in Orlando so not close to either FL candidate, thus, I’m contributing to each campaign as well as the fella in New York.

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Thank you! I’m not in those districts either ! I’m battling cancer right now so I’m a political activist from bed lol - I try to share info as much as I can - just can’t afford to donate right now but thanks for helping- I think we can do this if we all try to get the word out!!

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Praying you win the battle.🙏🏼🤗🙏🏼

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I hope they are doing everything to inform that heavily Republican are of FL just what’s coming their way if they don’t vote democratic.

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We have a lot of volunteer but we could always use more!! People from all over the country are helping and both districts are red but the one if made up of federal workers who just got fired and the other is made up of a lot of senior citizens that are mad too!!

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I pray that Florida and New York voters will elect the 3 democrat candidates. So we can rebuild what the Orange Smelly One and south African musk have dismantled. I don't trust jd or the magats repubs in congress either.

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Just keep spreading the word - they are going to need everyone’s help!!

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Bout f**king time they start seeing!!! My God, after all he’s done, whodda thunk THIS could be a breaking point. He will ultimately destroy himself but we just can’t afford to play the long game

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I was thinking the same!! Have they finally opened their eyes and allowed the brain cells to awaken!!

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Finally, he’s stepped over the line with his own followers. Didn’t see that coming. He is disgusting.

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A handful of trump lovers objecting to just one more disgusting act among so many disgusting acts does not indicate to me they will ever turn from him. I can’t help wondering what about this sick display of self worship is different when everything he does is a sick display of self worship. ?

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I agree. I also feel like this is just smoke and mirrors. A distraction to what the Orange Smelly One, pukin and muskrat, et al, have up their sleeve. They have something bubbling just below the surface. I pray I'm wrong.

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No you are correct, they are trying to pass the inclusive senate bill that cuts Medicaid, snap and so many other services.

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We cannot give up. We will be crushed if chumps request for extension of his tax cuts goes through. If the debt ceiling is raised. We the people will suffer for decades to come. Having said that, I'm going to continue to call our representatives. Support the democrats in the special election in Florida and New York in April. Support all democrats in the mid term elections. Giving to those democrats, who are fighting the good fight with whatever I can afford to give, boycott, cancel subscription to Amazon, ween myself off fb, etc. And pray 🙏🙏🙏

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I don't see this as any more disgusting than anything else he's said or done, tbh, but hey, glad they're finally seeing it, I guess? There was that gold statute of Dump at a convention a few years back and there were crickets from MAGA, and people were posting pics of themselves with it. Still not convinced that even this video will ultimately move the needle....

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The video and the fact that he thinks its ok is beyond disturbing

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The video and PINO created an absolute visceral reaction. He needs to be removed from office immediately!

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He is disgustingly he has severe dementia and acting crazy. We need to impeach him now or have him committed!!!

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And soon!!!!

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He and Elon are the most disgusting men in the history of the U.S. 🤮…..and republicans in Congress have no morals whatsoever….

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Repuglicans in Congress prove man can indeed walk upright without a spine!

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Disgusting piece of shit.

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Those people obviously haven't been paying attention because nothing there surprised me at all.

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Reclaiming the house in 2 years is not the answer. We need to stop him NOW!!!!

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Thats for sure! I cant imagine how mush more damage could be done in 2 more years given what these idiots have done in a month. Sinful

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It's unbelievable that an ego can be this huge that a person would post it. There was never any question that his disgusting, I hope this turns off a lot of MAGAts.

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Those posts are insane!!! Asking a man who NEVER had any morals, where his morals went. I am not a religious person, but he is the closest thing to the Antichrist that I have seen.

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Ok when is EVERYONE gonna recognize a demented person and STOP trying to assign human being to him. Folks we are in an insane asylum and we think it’s something negotiable.

NO! Stop speaking of this mad man as if had ANY NORMALLY WHAT SOEVER!!!

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Impeach him


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