Unfortunately I for one do not have infinite resources to pay for subscriptions for every writer who asks. I am calling my representatives and senators, signing petitions, writing letters. Give us something concrete we can do other than donating money. I understand the need to produce an income stream but I also understand that there needs to be common actions that anyone can take to be a part of the process. I WANT to end this. Tell us HOW if you know.

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I think a good start is protesting in the streets on Presidents day Monday 17/2. I remember the Vietnam protest Americans did. It worked! I am Swedish and very concerned and protesting all I can by writing. We are many in Europe that are cheering you on. English is my second language so I apologize for misspelling etc. Please get out in the streets, we will help you here on the other side of the pond.

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Thank you 🙏 !!

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Thank you for your kindness and support! Lots of protest activity IS happening, but it seems to be under-televised and hard to find on social media here. And it's on purpose of course. Keep writing, keep documenting. Thank you!!

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With you 100% Jay. Not made of money, donating what i can to the ACLU, eager to read and learn, but cannot pay for all these subscriptions. I'm grateful for read only access so that i can stay on top of things.

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That’s the avenue I’m taking. As a senior in assisted living I have to be very careful with finances. I feel I must support those in opposition to tRump & his regime so I make ph calls & sign petitions, repost & share msgs.

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Your doing what you can ! Keep in mind there are those who talk and those eho “Do”

Your doing something and if 2 o 4 million did what you did every day it woujd be helpful !

Especially hitting the red state letting them know you need some lub for this sss fucking they are guvjng you!

Realize the only real way we are going to get out of this bullshit is going ti be teaming up with other Americans and out the bullshit behind !

So write yiur letters and do what you can and you will see the calling when it rises .

Just don’t get set up with some more bullshit promises !

We are in the mud and get ready to rumble .

I will keep wikiman as kjng as I can !

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I do not think everyone has to join a writers stream with paying a subscription joining fee in order to join together in a common action. Rather than concerning oneself with groups that come together by joining a subscription, paid or free, start a conversation about “Tackling the misinformation that is being circulated amount Trumpers and followers, who can’t understand why we are so misinformed. Where did we learn all of our nonsensical information? Start a movement to set the record straight. How do you break up a cult, where the leader is feared by other party members because they know that the leader, Trump, is vindictive. He can turn the tide against them. The cult is massive, and when you add those followers who see Trump as the one who can bring about results that they desire. For instance: reducing a persons taxes pd by not giving it away to other in need that don’t live in this country, or public education, when you have no kids, or they go to private school. If the money does not directly benefit them, don’t spend it. Etc.

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It is like Hitler vomited this guy up he is so predictable.

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I’m waiting for the twist. He knows hitler failed so there has to be a surprise ending.

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And Miller and the heritage foundation!

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This afternoon, I went to get my haircut. Towards the end I was talking about Trump and Kennedy . How Trump and musk were getting rid of the health department and education department . Chow Kennedy had half a brain, ate road kill and drove around with a whale head tied to the top of his car after he cut in off of a whale carcass laying on the beach. She asked me where I got that information from. She said, they are just making the departments smaller by moving into the Human Resources department. She couldn’t believe that all that stuff about Kennedy could be true. It will take lots of time to get these cult Trump believers to see the light.

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Unfortunately the midterms are too far away to matter. The courts can do and say whatever they want. He will not obey. The 2024 election was manipulated by Elon. The evidence of this is clear and growing.

At this point, he has blackmailed most of his former critics in Congress to his side. You seem to have access. Maybe you should spend your time finding out those secrets and publishing them so they have no reason to hide behind the dictator’s skirts anymore. Impeachment is the only peaceful option.

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And please watch Greg palast on the Thom Hartmann Podcast on YouTube.The episode is to trump really win? He's a big deal countries hire him. He has proof that Harris won.

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I just watched it and it was very insightful. Now the House just passed the SAVE act which is their way of suppressing women’s votes. It’s aligned with what Greg Palast talks about. Women need to prepare and get their documentation in order to not allow them to stop their vote just like they are doing for the black, Latino and Asian- American communities.

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The problem here is that we need to go to the root of the problem. Everyone wants to concentrate on the tangerine mussolini. Which that's fine... he needs to be removed. However, the other huge threat are the co-authors and co-founders of the Heritage Foundation. This so-called "think tank" needs to be removed. SURGICALLY removed. They are the cancer who started this christofascist white nationalists movement for the conservative party. They must be dismantled in order to avoid them latching onto another republican president when the orange putrid dies. Chucky Doll vance already is VERY deep in cahoots with the Heritage Foundation/ project 2025 ideologies. He's the next one that must be removed. The Hypo Manic megalomaniac narcissistic psychopath musky rat also MUST be removed. Then, just then we can say we can start anew. If they're left in place our fight will be in vain.

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EXACTLY Black Raven! perfectly stated!!!

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And the three supreme court justices that trump rushed in his first term are members of the national heritage foundation. No one's connected those dots.

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trump is not the one in chatge; he is merely a puppet distraction for the real person who is in power, and that is e.m. and his minions.

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The AGs that stand against Trump must not step down or quit they must resist while they stay in their positions otherwise the ones who are complicit will win for Trump!!! We must not quit like those in the FBI who refused to quit!! They are what we need to defeat Trump all of them must stand against being fired and go do their jobs even if they don’t get paid!! That includes all those government employees who Trump is trying to get rid of!! They should keep showing up for work even if they are told they are fired!! They arnt going to get paid anyway even unemployment!!!!

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He should be impeached…if congress would grow a spine.

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The only way the country will be saved is by putting his ass in prison.

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All of them every last one the roots are deep here. Especially the one of the top, EM. It’s disheartening to me how all of our warriors although I love them all are fighting this with pen and paper. This regime will use violence IMO. It’s who they are and what they do.

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He must go. Its just too bad he was able to get so many people to believe his bullshit. I saw through him during the Apprentice…laughable he was selected to be the Republican nominee….glad I dumped the GOP and became a Democrat right then and there…in 2015.

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Democrats are known to be predictable, so any action taken to rid ourselves of this vermin has to be quick and totally unexpected. Like the DC Police arresting Musk and his uninvited guests at the Treasury.

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Blood simple.

If we had all registered and voted in November, VP Kamala Harris would be settling in to her new job and trump would be wearing a striped jumpsuit in some New York prison; perhaps Attica.

If we had all registered and voted in 2016, Secy. Of State Hillary Clinton would have just completed her second term as POTUS.

If we had all registered and voted in 2020, trump would be in prison for his 34 counts of fraud and President Biden would have had an even greater success in actually serving we, the people.

The man who thought he was King of New York would be grabbing pussy until he grabbed the wrong one and got his scrotum kicked up around his ears. Perhaps he would have been killed by a mobbed up connection. Maybe he would have hosted more Reality TV crap. Maybe he would have learned how to say "сколько стоит минет?" in Russian.

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Felon has always been a fool! He used people his whole life without consequences, a born megalomaniac! I believe both his elections were stolen.

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Might not be able to end it before elon has everything tied up. He has all the data now

I think they intend to separate everyone from their money

A different kind of indentured slave class pending

You better be white …

Must be some decent CIA guys available to help soon

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Research The Network State “ I believe this is their blueprint… On YT Blonde Politics and others have info on this

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He said he CANT break the law today

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