Absolutely true. He's a liar, rapist, embarrassment and traitor. He does it every day. Live. We have to call it out. The U.S. Constitution defines a traitor as someone who commits treason, which consists of levying war against the United States or adhering to its enemies by providing them aid and comfort. This definition is found in Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution. It is what it is and we must demand they be rounded up, accused, tried and punished. It is what it is. We have to say it.

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Call it out? He calls himself out. We must rid our country of these people. Round them all up and put them all in Guantanamo...It is ready for them. It is where they belong.

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Bravo, well said

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From your lips to God’s ear.

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No diplomacy, disappointing, totally unhinged. TRULY, has changed our position in the world. And how the rest of the world see us.. the only one I see Trump protecting is putin. SMH. and then you have Vance.

Idiot . Can’t talk about this more because I’m really upset about this. But I stand with Ukraine and their president Zelenskyy. If you don’t stay stop communism from coming in. As Zelensky referred to.

It’s here already folks. It’s called the GOP. America has been sold out.

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Trump intended to attack Zelenskyy & belittle him on a national stage ! All he wants is the rare earth minerals ! Trump is not after diplomacy 😡

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Sure he staged it. He stages everything. He is a fucking asshole. He is the worse of the worse. No one has any respect for this fat ass. He is a piece of shit.

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Trumps , EGO IS INFLATED . Linda, you were right., In what you have stated

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If anyone is going to start WW3, it will be Trump! I despise him and all the Maggots in his administration. They are bullies, drunks and drug addicts! How did America come to be this😫😡

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I’m beginning to think that’s what he wanted. All along was World War III.

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He will be taken out first. Which is just what will end it all. He is not worthy of breathing air.

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I hate Trump with every fiber of my being! Why couldn’t the people that Voted for Trump take their King and leave the Country that they hate so much ! And we would have been left in peace with Kamala.. since we are so called split in half anyway.and take their Republican Congress and senate and Supreme Court with them!.. then we could start fresh 🥲💙💙💙💙

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If only Trump's constitutional disqualification had been enforced, he had been imprisoned as the clear & present danger to our national security he was & is, & his obviously rigged election "victory" had been challenged, investigated & audited!

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This administration is a complete joke and devastating to the world.

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What's even worse is the knowledge that even if trump disappeared we stuck with VD who's obviously as dumb as his master.

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He is impeacheable.. already has strikes against him. Weirdo has no shame.

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Who's going to impeach him? Not this Congress. If they couldn't vote to remove him from running again after Jan. 6th, they aren't going to for being disrespectful. They obviously don't care about democracy or the Constitution. Plus, impeach him and like I said, we have Vance.

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Oh have faith. This shit will come to an end. Impeaching isn't the only way. He is pissing off too many people and what he did yesterday did not earn him any brownie points. He fucked himself.

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Faith is lost on me. I had faith in the American people in 2016 and again in 2024, they failed us then and I've seen nothing to cause me to have faith now.

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Sorry you misunderstood. Someone said if Trump is gone,we have to deal with Vance. I meant impeach VANCE

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The domino affect will come into play, and once Dictator Don is out, the rest will fall too. Round them up and off to Guantanamo.

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Yes! That whole mob of sycophants should be sent to Guantanamo, let them hang out with all those they condemned to that place - interesting occupancy at that point!

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Gotcha. I'm not sure of the grounds to impeach Vance, yet. Also, trump loves him so they wouldn't dare impeach him unless he got on trump's bad side

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Trump needs to go first. For sure. After that ,who knows what's gonna happen. I never thought he had a chance in 2016. Hate him since the 80s. He was always a snake. Been ruining peoples lives forever. In. NY. NJ. Especially

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We are never STUCK with anyone. Vance wouldn't last a week.

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A smart ass at the very least!

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I haven’t come so close to being physically that ill in years as I watched two bullies attack a HERO. Slovenly, revolting, and dangerously unintelligent Donald- repeating is empty threats to a superior human being was weak and grotesque . One Lady was actually crying in the room as the mighty USA took a massive hit in front of the world. Please correct this mistake as quickly as possible Americans. He is hurting you. He is NOT your guy.

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Is there anything we can do to get rid of Cheeto and all the embarrassment and stupidity that goes along with he and his cabinet?

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Sure there is. Only one way.

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Europeans will help Ukraine.

If The United States decides to Leave Nato, we'll only have 110 million Russians to deal with.

When China starts war with the United States over this Banana Republic Government. The U.S. will need to defend itself against 1.3 billion Chinese on American soil..

China has 100 times the number of service members than the United States. Europe will watch from the sidelines as the U.S will not be part of Nato.

Trumps plan to Extort Ukraine for its mineral rights will back fire. Ukraine already agreed to similar proposals with the EU at the beginning of the war. Zelenski is an educated man. He is a Law School Graduate, he identifies as a comedian and an actor

Americans need to see the light. Elon Musk needs Lithium and Titanium for his Space X program.

There's a strong possibility that Peter Teihl is behind every decison. He has financial ties to every billionaire and every one of Trumps picks. Wake up America and find the facts about Teihl

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Trump is inviting a losing battle . He will start WW3 NOT Zelenskyy. Hope the doge boys are ready for battle. Sorry to say. I doubt it. Keyboard warriors and trump supporters against the Chinese.

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Well they will want his head, so we just offer him up and there you go.

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Well that is a a real defeatist attitude.

Once we get rid of Donny it is all nice and level...No up or down....just rebuild.

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I don't appreciate your Defeatist comment. I was raised by hard working, honest , veterans and believe in America 100 %. you honestly think ANY OF THESE D. BAGS have respect? I don't. I will fight for democracy , forever. I cant say the entire country agrees with that,anymore. Alot want to be Russia. I didn't do that. Many put him where he is and are happy about it.

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There has never been a more crass, vile, low life in the White House. What a despicable and disgusting jerk. In fact this asshole has surrounded himself with people who are just like him. weak minded and corrupt. It is just about power and degradation.

His day his coming. If Americans won't rid ourselves of this scourge then someone else will. Our intelligence is weak, our cabinet leaders are weak. They do not even know what their jobs are. Perfect environment for infiltration. Trump sucks. Dump Trump. He is a domestic terrorist who belongs in a Prison.

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He's an obtuse, aged, unrestrainedly self-assertive, maniacally vindictive man with exceptionally warped sensibilities and judgment, including about himself. What could possibly go wrong!!??

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I was stunned when I was hearing that Zelenskyy was actually coming to the White House. And when I found out why I was crushed and horrified. This was worse than anything I have seen in my lifetime but at least he stood his ground in all ways as usual and did not sign this terrible deal.

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Embarrassed is an understatement . Lower than Helsinki. Such a petulant man baby. Lies lies lies.

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We need someone to organize a Zelensky Day, so we can show up en masse on the streets to show our support for the hero of our time.

Please spread the idea on social media (I'm not on TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).

Some organization with bandwidth needs to make this happen. Soon!!!

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I'm not on any of those either but it's a great idea.

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it is so hard for me to believe that this is the leader of our country. It is so embarrassing and it’s gross. It’s sickening everybody that voted for him has got to be sick! Is a psychotic fascist sickening waste of space

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