So glad! Governor Shapiro helps his state all the time!!!

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Love him!!! 💙✨💪🏼

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I agree and he was our Attorney General for 2 terms I believe.

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How do you eat a 500 lb hog? One bite at a time. 👍

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Thank you Governor Shapiro!! Pa loves and appreciates you!!! 💙✨💪🏼

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Never back down from a bully!! They are all cowards!! Way to go Josh Shapiro!! We need more like you to get our country back!!

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Way to go team 👏

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Wonderful news!!!!

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Shapiro gets shit done!

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Great news!

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Trump literally is an idiot. Keep fighting. Take every single stupid order to court

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Thanks for standing up for your people. I wish we had such a Gov in Texas. They've been corrupt since Rick Perry was Gov. Abbott is the Worst. Trump yes man.

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He should be held PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL LEGAL FEES AND DAMAGES. Fvck this bs, he meant intentional harm, he caused it he should fvcking pay already! Not benefit!

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I was so concerned thank goodness 😅

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That sound we hear is the FOTUS squealing like the the little whiny bitch he is.

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Big lesson. Shapiro acted immediately and he won the lawsuit.

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Let’s see Agent Krasnov “shit talk” himself out of this one!

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