What the hell is Vance doing taking a ski vacation. He has only been on the job for 5 weeks. Tell him to get his lazy ass back to work. Oh wait, he doesn't work. The only job he has is to make an ass of himself on the world stage and he does a damn good job of that.

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Well, the big boss, oops, actually the second boss (the orange rapey felon) is golfing every weekend so par for the course. Destruction and gaslighting Monday-Thursday then off to vacay Friday-Monday. Governing is really a part time job when you are a celebrity and the cult morons ket you do it.

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Came to say the same!!

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Nailed it 💯

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It’s my understanding he has invested in ski areas around the country!

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How about in Russia? He’d fit in well there.

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Yes Way To Go Vermont He Thought He Could Just Go And Relax With His Family After What He Did JD Vance Is A Prick And A Piece Of Shit Let’s Stand Up Together And Fight For Our Rights Freedom And Democracy FU Trump And Vance 🖕🖕🖕

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Bravo Vermont 👏👏👏

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They act like monsters, spew garbage and hate. Wreck American lives, and then skip off to ski and golf? Seriously? This is what has to be done. Go Vermont. Those who were there have shown us how to fight back . Make them miserable, wherever they poke out their miserable heads.

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TOTALLY AGREE - I hope we as a collective voice will inform as many people as possible where Trump and Vance and Musk are going to be out in public - and then have groups of people (and they don’t need to be that large) Follow them around wherever they go whenever they’re in public and tell them what traitors they are. - let’s show them what it means to be against our constitution and for our enemies, especially Vladimir Putin

Make their lives pure hell!

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He is an idiot. He could have gone skiing in Wyoming and nobody would have come out to protest or even noticed he was there. Instead he went to one of the MOST liberal states lol. FAFO.

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Amen brother! Americans are uniting across the country. Indeed, the revolution is here. Our American hearts all have freedom and democracy at our core. And we will stand up against bullies such as Trump and pathetic JD.

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What did Vance really expect from the Americans? That they were just going to sit and take his rudeness and disrespect to President Zelenskyy, who was trying to save Ukraine? Good I'm glad the raising up and there are protesting against his behavior and Trump too. You know it's just started for them and we are gonna rise up and save our America and get them out of the White House . Good work everybody.🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙

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You might want to stay inside J D - just sayin

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Johnny, thank you for bringing this story to my attention. What Trump policies have affected Vermont?

I shared this comment yesterday. Shameful conduct by Trump, Vance, and Rubio! They should be ashamed of themselves. Ukraine has more people dying by the day. Zelenskyy is a man of courage. He wouldn’t sell out his fellow Ukrainians. Trump, Vance, and Rubio, obviously don’t know what it means to go to the funerals of those brave Ukrainians, civilians like teachers and lawyers taking up arms. They are willing to die for a cause they will never understand — freedom. Freedom from tyranny. Freedom to live their lives in peace. For Trump to seek to change the narrative and say Ukraine invaded Russia first is ludicrous. It is stupid. It amazes me the level of stupidity Trump stoops to. Even in that despicable display of childish behavior, Vance stated Putin invaded Ukraine. Zelenskyy showed what true leadership is. Those other guys — not so much.

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Denying climate change for one. Their community is a ski community

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We are much more than skiing. We are a four season recreation area. We produce computer chips. We farm. We produce hydro-electric power. We are on Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security. And we include transgender people that the Turd is trying to erase. And, we have always had a strong voice against oppression. We will continue to fight the good fight!

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Vermont is beautiful!

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Julianna, thanks for the information.

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I would guess tourism as well. No one is coming to America for vacations anymore.

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Power to the people. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Pretty bold of this guy to vacation in VY of all places—talk about presumptuous! 🤣

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Really! Disrespect Ukraine and think you'll be welcome in Bernie territory? Republican logic ....wait ...there isn't any....

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Thank you Johnny Palmadessa.

I was taught by my father an Orthodox Jew born in St. Louis MO in 1907- Lived most of his life in Houston Texas. I have called trump a HITLER wannabe since he got into politics. Before that just an IDIOT. All elected officials cand appointed by the president that support Russia should be arrested for Treason. Then should get the appropriate punishment for that crime. The Billionaires that caused this in the name of RELIGION be punished by their Maker.

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Only took 5 weeks and the fact we are the laughing stock of the world

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The 2nd Amendment obsessives & their biggest supporters, nra & the republicnt party are strangely quiet at this time of threat from a rogue government & president.

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They're fond of their guns as long as they're pointed at kids or people of color. LGBTQ+, Muslim..... anyone but themselves. They run and hide when confronted with hard questions that demand HONEST answers.

And for a group of supposedly straight men, they sure seem to enjoy tRumps hands squeezing their balls.

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I hope you are right!!! It’s all so bad right now and it’s so hard to hold onto hope! But we have to stand together and make sure we pry them out

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Drumf nailed it when he said Little Marco.

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