Celebs promoting Kamala Harris:

Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Matt Damon, Mark Ruffalo, Robert De Niro, George Clooney, Beyonce, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Jamie Lee Curtis, Cardi B, Pink, John Legend, Oprah Winfrey, Charlie XCX, Kesha, Ben Stiller.

Celebs promoting Donald Trump:

Elon Musk, Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock.

That's why I love wearing this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt 🤣👇


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My shirt has a small addition: “…removes stubborn orange shit stains.”

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The most vacuous people on earth. Yay.

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Kesha is voting for Kamala Harris!!! I must rethink my vote. Who fucking cares about these degenerate losers?

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An Open Letter to Your Friend or Relative Planning to Vote for Trump:

Your Vote for Trump Is an Endorsement of Bigotry, Cruelty, and the Erosion of Rights—No Matter the Reason You Give.


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What a moronic substack. Johnny jerking off to Democratic pop stars is a refreshingly deep dive on geopolitics. So much depth. George Clooney is voting for Kamala Harris!!! I must rethink my vote.

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Add Sam Elliott to the Harris side and probably Sean Combs and Ghislaine Maxwell to the other side, assuming since they know each other and are also criminals that they want Trump to win for pardons.

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Y'all take your meds? Sounds like a 12 year old girls circle jerk.

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I’m thinking Johnnys a faggot and gets off on having a million girlfriends.

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Thanks for writing some more Good News on VP Harris today 💯 These entertainer's are Star Power endorsements!(beats the hell out of kid rock, who?) Good Job

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Absolutely Fantastic

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First and foremost- I’m a HARRIS supporter and I think you give some very good points

I’ve been on your TT lives numerous times, and all I’ve seen is hypocrisy in your character- I come for conversations and debates as you state, yet it’s nothing but a pissing contest and disrespecting everyone with opposing views. Whether that’s talking over them, disrespecting them, etc.

I really hope you’re more professional when you’re in a court hearing because you are far from it on your live streams

You blocked me because I commented upon how unprofessional you are. I hope you actually take in this comment and learn a thing or two, thanks!

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Pedos and satanists all stick together.

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You left out Dick and Liz Cheney. Why would you leave them out?

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Because stars are fucking brilliant people. You are a cunt, Johnny.

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Sep 20
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It seems like you have a bad opinion of him, right?

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Hey Holt: now we know who all the, “little Johnny” jokes are about.

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Speaking of dicks, a vote for Kamala is a vote for Dick Cheney, war monger.

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Sep 19
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Only Human..


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Speed read? I would too. Who cares what Hollywood perverts have to say?

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Only you.

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Oct 2
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How do I block him?

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Did it. Thanks.

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Oct 7
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Tim Holt blocked too.

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