If you have ever received treasury payments - tax returns, student loans, financial aid, social security, etc. Call your bank, mortgage company, credit card company, university. Call tax filing services like Turbo Tax & HR block. Express concerns about the federal personal data breach. Ask how they will protect your information.
Call the airlines and credit card mileage programs. Ask how they are supporting the FAA, NOAA & aviation safety. Say you’re not spending a dime until its safe. If you know pilots, flight crew, flight attendants, encourage them to join the general strike.
They will care if business grinds to a halt when all of their employees are spending time fielding these calls and their customers are not spending money.
He should be arrested, his citizenship revoked and deported back to South Africa…and never allowed to step foot on American soil again! He’s earned that!
Johnny, a Republic lacky says, "what proof do you have?" Your answer, "I don't need any proof, I have common sense!" We have a new standard of proof, folks!
Just saw Jamie Raskin in MSNBC Sunday morning talking about a possible class action lawsuit by Americans against Elon Musk. If it happens I want in, sign me up please.
And he is in our treasury trying to take away our SS, Medicare and Medicaid, etc!!
If they are not stopped NOW, there won’t be any midterm elections!!!
If you have ever received treasury payments - tax returns, student loans, financial aid, social security, etc. Call your bank, mortgage company, credit card company, university. Call tax filing services like Turbo Tax & HR block. Express concerns about the federal personal data breach. Ask how they will protect your information.
Call the airlines and credit card mileage programs. Ask how they are supporting the FAA, NOAA & aviation safety. Say you’re not spending a dime until its safe. If you know pilots, flight crew, flight attendants, encourage them to join the general strike.
Make these big companies respond and take a stand. Make it their problem too. Put on the pressure!
I also froze my credit info at the 3 credit organizations. I also checked my Social Security file online. Everything looked okay.
Express concerns to whom? Anyone that can actually do something about this doesn't care.
They will care if business grinds to a halt when all of their employees are spending time fielding these calls and their customers are not spending money.
His downfall isn't happening fast enough. I want to see him destitute & deported.
Musk new Title: Hacker-in-chief
He should be arrested, his citizenship revoked and deported back to South Africa…and never allowed to step foot on American soil again! He’s earned that!
I can’t get in to the unemployment web site at the moment. Not sure what is going on there probably on overload due to the new administration!
Data sure!
But there’s direct access to 75 billion that he can send anywhere he wants . He can convert it into crypto currency and poof !
Gone !
And if he’s got network access to other platforms he can raid them as well !
He might bring Trump in on his scam for the 75 billion but how about the 2 trillion he’s been talking about!
There’s always a footprint when you surf around inside a OS .
He would find it to tempting and if not him how about some 18 year old ?
Give me a break none of them have any right to be messing around those systems !
You’re going to be building patch’s forever !
It’s insanity !
A president doesn’t have the authority to wipe out Americas economy! It’s treason !
Johnny, a Republic lacky says, "what proof do you have?" Your answer, "I don't need any proof, I have common sense!" We have a new standard of proof, folks!
Come to San Jose California. Please. Help us organize and fight back.
Just saw Jamie Raskin in MSNBC Sunday morning talking about a possible class action lawsuit by Americans against Elon Musk. If it happens I want in, sign me up please.
Oh please…stop teasing me!
We need to arrest them both!
Not sure who’s the Pimp & who’s the Ho in this Trump/Musk duo, but both need to be arrested.
Check my recent posts please and amplify if you can - this was buried legal information I had dig up.
Conclave, the movie.
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy..”
Available now.
Fiennes, Tuccic, Rossellini,
Carlos Diehz
I predict tragic headlines in the very near future. I won't say what I believe they will be, as it would probably generate problems for me.