To those who came here to troll, You’ve been blocked. You are the minority. You are the problem. I lived through the Cold War! Putin is a narcissist just like your boot licking puppet president (not my president). My grandfathers both fought for freedom from tyranny in WWll. You are a disgrace to their memories! Shame on all of you for betraying your country for a wannabe dictator who has only brought our country embarrassment. Shame on GOP members in government for putting party before country! YOU should know better. You are burning down our Constitution and trampling our democracy. When the dust clears, and you have no one left to blame but yourselves, WE THE PEOPLE will build back this once great nation on your ashes! Sincerely, A True Patriot

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While I watched the most destructive events in my lifetime unfold for all the world to see, I kept thinking about my grandfathers and all the sacrifices they made during the fighting of WW II. Makes me sick to watch. Reagan is rolling over in his grave.

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Reagan started this all! He cheated Carter out of a second term with is deal to send planes in exchange for the hostages. And his first act was to fire the striking air traffic controllers! He may have disliked Putin, but Reagan was no hero, with his “trickle down” philosophy of giving huge tax breaks to the rich. (Sound familiar?) I have no idea how the Republicans made him into a good guy.

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Yep and don't forget his response to the AIDs epidemic back then which was very disgraceful to say the least! 🤷‍♀️

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💯Regan started the tax cuts ,firing air traffic controllers ,etc all the bad shit is his fault saying the government of 🇺🇸was not working he is to blame

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Very beautiful and straightforward!!👍👏👏👏

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Yes! American patriots STAND WITH UKRAINE and value FREEDOM! 🇺🇦☮️✊

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You write so well! Exactly what I am thinking!

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Go ask Daddy Vlad how much he loves you. Zelensky is a leader. Trump is weak. Vanxe is too.

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💯 AGREED! This says it all!

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This is absolutely perfect and says exactly what I’m feeling

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We need to get our government back in the mid terms!!

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We need him out asap. IMPEACHMENT. We are NOT Russia.

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Yes we need to win mid-terms and then impeach his ass!!!!

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By mid-terms they will have bankrupt our country; elonia that is with tRumps blessing.

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Here's hoping we have midterms...President Elon has his geek squad hard at work on that too I'm sure!😤

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The man who should’ve been Time’s person of the year refused to dignify the whiny rants of Felon 45+ and his sycophant shrillbilly with a response in kind. I’m going to put up two flags (Canadian and Ukrainian) in my window). When I get leaders who represent the Constitution and bill of rights and actually KNOW what the stars and stripes actually mean I’ll get an AMERICAN made American flag.

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You are a genius Johnny‼️‼️👍🏾❤️💙💛thank you on behalf of the American 🇺🇸 people that did not Vote for the trader🥲

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lol trader you are really not that intelligent

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Isn't the punishment for Treason the death penalty?

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Well stated. Thank you for saying what you did. It needed to be said. Here’s a thought. All countries should refrain from sending any diplomats or elected/appointed officials to the United States to meet with Trump on any subject. Freeze him out. He made it quite clear how much distain he has For a Ukrainian hero and statesman. He is likely to do that with any individual representing another country. He is also spoken ill of Canada‘s leaders and Mexico‘s leaders. In the kindest part of my heart, I find the will to say please do not visit the US. Please do not trust the US in any negotiations. And when the day comes, withdraw your diplomats from the embassies in the US. Marginalize us. When the good guys take over, you’ll know. Thank you.

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I agree with you. Every nation in the world should be standing strong with Ukraine and leaving the US to stand alone.

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Well said Donna.

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Well said!!! We stand with 🇺🇦!!!!

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