GREAT comments! PA supported him through and after his stroke - and this is how Fetterman thanks them? He certainly is another Joe Manchin and needs to be replaced in the next election cycle for a true Democrat!

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More like another Sinema…a plant

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Yeah, Manchin was always clearly a red state Dem who ran as a red state Dem. We may have been frustrated with him but he never pretended to be anything else. Sinema, on the other hand, discovered a whole new lane once she got into office.

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The money lane

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I think that the strokes may have changed his personality. It happens.

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Then he should be made to step down if can’t perform his duties!

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They say it can happen, but that could be a cop out too.

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It absolutely does happen. My dad had a stroke 22 years ago and he is definitely not the same person as he was before the stroke. And that is the only reason I haven’t gone full no contact with him. Because I still remember who he was before this nightmare that turned a good man into a monster. It’s hard to reconcile who he was then with who he has become and part of me still hasn’t given up hope that my daddy is still in there somewhere. So yes. Traumatic brain injuries can and do cause drastic personality changes. All of that being said, John Fetterman has no business holding public office at this point. It’s a shame there isn’t a way to recall senators (or house reps for that matter) who were elected to do one thing but have ended up doing the exact opposite.

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Let’s not go there. He’s a forgettable loser from this day forward.

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So very true.

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I agree. He suffered brain damage and tbh I thought it was the height of irresponsibility when he stayed in the race despite being cognitively impaired by his stroke. The senate isn’t an entitlement and it shouldn’t be a nursing home.

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Not everyone has a personality change due to stroke. It depends where it is. I naively believed he was okay.

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True, but Fetterman and his family would have known the severity of his stroke. They concealed it from the public for personal gain.

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As if losing Bob Casey to the Republican opponent wasn't bad enough, we might as well say we have 2 tRumpers as our senators because whatever Fetterman is, he's not now a Dem.

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I doubt it

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I doubt that stroke changed him. He was ok when Harris was running for president and backing her full force. He's a wimp and liar and can't be trusted. Vote him out!!!!!

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That is the answer to vote him out.

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Frankly, I don’t care what his excuse is. People are going to die when they lose everything. I’m pissed!

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That was my thinking. It had to cause some brain damage. He is not as bold as he was before the stroke. I truly believe the stroke did some rearranging of his brain.

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No just another pathetic excuse for a human.

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That is certainly a possibility.

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Also, voting machines shouldn’t be hooked up to the internet like many were in the last election.

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Nor to starlink

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No voting machines in this country are connected to the internet. None. I am a poll worker in Montgomery County, PA. I encourage you to become a poll worker or ask your local elections office to give you a tour and show you the voting machines so that you stop spreading misinformation about our elections and voting machines.

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That would be a good job for you to convince the American public that elections are safe and accurate. Why did not even one of the swing states that supposedly ALL went for trump simply recount their paper ballots? Could you work on that and then maybe all those registered voters who stayed home might decide their votes could have saved our democracy.

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You can look up election laws in each state to find out why there weren’t recounts for the presidential race in each state. In PA there were recounts for some races, including the senate race between Casey and McCormick. I went out and knocked doors to make sure people with mail in ballots got their votes counted.

Please go learn about the voting machines and for the love of god stop spreading misinformation about them and the voting process. All the misinformation does is give trump an excuse to cancel voting all together

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We have machines here in NH that count how many ballots were cast! But that’s all they do! We still vote on a paper ballot and they are still counted by hand! Although I think in the bigger cities they may have machines that the hand run the ballots through that can record the votes for each person!

There is definitely something wrong when the number of people who requested absentee ballots is much higher than actual absentee ballots that were counted!

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Worse than Joe Manchin by far.

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He does need to be primaried.

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He’s worse than a Joe Manchin. We knew who were getting with him. Fetterman, has done a complete bait and switch.

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What a total joke he lied his way into the Senate. He needs to go right now. Anyone have any dirt on this scumbag let’s bring his betrayal and I ashamed I wholeheartedly support him. What a total and complete low life.

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Senators serve for 6 yrs. Having feder.man replacted is a long way off.. unfortunately

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As a resident of PA and remorseful voter for Fetterman, I agree 100%. I hope that letter was sent.

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As a former Pennsylvanian I had great faith in your recovery, I am a handicapped wheelchair bound man, but your actions have made it clear to me that you either betrayed your commitment to the people who voted for you or you have had a medical setback that is effecting your judgment.

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It's as if the stroke damaged the empathy lobe in his brain. I just don't understand and am saddened by his change.

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I was sad too. his actions, though, have shown me that we need a better senator who works for us, not him. A Democrat who chooses to vote to confirm Pam Bondi is ring kissing. Strokes don’t cause that.

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In which case his wife should force him to step down if it’s a medical problem. She was right there with him when we supported him false narrative.

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Thank you everyone!

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I don't even live in Pennsylvania but I did give some money to help elect him because I thought he was a real people's senator. Your name should not be John, your name should be Judas. What a betrayer you are.

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I was also an out of state donor to his campaign. In these times it seems like everything is a gamble. Not this situation - yet, but there should be a law that whatever party a candidate runs as, must resign if they switch parties after being elected. Republicans are the party of lies, plain and simple.

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I am all for that! It should be a cardinal sin to the political party and the people they betrayed! Does he still have funds in his campaign account the democrats, all over and not just PA, sent to him to be a democrat not a republican. They should be returned.

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I also donated to his campaign. I don’t live in PA. Thinking about demanding my money back.

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Me too

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Same here!

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So did I I want my money back!

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New Yorker, formally for Fetterman….I am sooo disappointed!!!

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Just posted the same.

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I don't live there either but donated several times. No more.

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Those coffers dry up quick.

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I live in the Midwest. I made regular small donations to his campaign. I've been upset since he went to Florida to kiss the ring. I'm now wishing I had given my money to others.

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I live in CA. I donated to him. What a waste.

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Me too! I was taken in by his wife and his supposed support of unions. I really believed in him. Even though I couldn’t vote for him I donated to his campaign. It would be bad enough if he was just a run of the mill Democrat, but he’s a MAGA collaborator. I hope the Democrats don’t support him in his next election, and will donate to get him primaried.

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Same here. I’m from NY and donated to him because I thought he had character and was legitimate. He’s a turncoat!

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Same here Marion. I don’t live in Pennsylvania, and I donated to his campaign because I really thought he wanted to serve the people of Pennsylvania. There was a young lady on X (I’m no longer on Twitter) used her handle primarily to support John Fetterman. She spoke about all the things that he had done for Pennsylvania versus who Dr. Oz is and what he was trying to do. She opened my eyes to the good work he had done for Pennsylvania and that gave me hope.

However, since he’s been in the Senate, he’s betrayed everyone. I was shocked when I saw news clips that he went to bend the knee at Mar A Largo. I was shocked beyond belief. What happened to him. Disgusting and shameful.

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I also contributed to his campaign from Florida. I regret that immensely.

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Yup…I jumped in from NYC….

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Same here. I'd like my contribution back.

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Before calling him a traitor could provide a rebuttal Johnny’s essay? After all “you seek clarity thru of the eyes of the Lord” but since this is your post I’m seeking clarity from you.

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What more proof do you need, fools.

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I stand with every word written in that letter. Fetterman let us down.

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All of us in Pennsylvania should forward a link to this to Fetterman's office.

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I write my dipshiz Senators from PA every day. To remind them who they’re supposed to be working for… who they are supposed to be looking out for… and how that isn’t happening.

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Please do.

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Excellent, worse than manchin he has betrayed his own wife. What else is new, these men are jellyfish spined cowards!

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I went on his Facebook page a couple of weeks ago and there he was, smiling at a table at The Paddock in York. Owned by the guy who was shown being a racist on video, yelling at people who look exactly like Giselle. I don't know how she can live with herself, either.

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I feel like Gisele and Usha Vance could be a support group. Except JD didn’t have a stroke, which medical research has proven can change your personality. Not that I am not waiting until we in PA can vote both him and McCormick out, but the every man turncoat is just so disappointing.

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What the fuck happened to him? Is it brain damage from his stroke? I'm not kidding. I'm being very serious here. Something happened to him. Regardless, PA needs to kick his ass to the curb. We just got rid of Sinema. We don't need another Sinema or Manchin in the Senate. The Democrats need someone they can rely on and clearly, Fetterman is not that person. Screw him.

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What about a recall?

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I don’t live there. I don’t know how much time he has left on his term either. A recall would be dependent on that

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Sorry to have been mistaken. Maybe he should be recalled. Think of the damage he can cause in four years

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Elected in 2022. In 2 years, stroke and party betrayal. Is that a record?

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I think that he's on the same level as Manchin and Sinema. Both were party betrayals. If Fetterman only two years to go, a recall would be a waste of time. It's better to get a candidate to run against him who would actually be a Democrat.

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4 years to go, he’s up in ‘28. My family is in PA and supported him. They are really frustrated. Hopefully some of the rising stars in PA will challenge.

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Manchin was a Dem in a red state, though. He had no choice but to vote R on some issues and he never presented himself as a progressive Dem.

Fetterman has no need to tack right for PA, the popular gov is more progressive than he is. I think his stroke permanently damaged his brain and now he doesn’t know what he is.

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We're stuck with him till 2028

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He needs to be recalled. He's lost his mind. He used to be awesome and a true man of the people. This is unlike him at all. The stroke did something to him. Few do a complete 180 on everything unless A. They were faking all along or B. Something serious happened to them.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you. I’m wondering what happened to him as well. I was totally shocked when I saw news clips of him going to Mar A Largo. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

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Could well be. The only acceptable reason.

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I heard that apparently strokes cause people to be more conservative. I swear, apparently it’s a thing

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Except MAGA isn’t conservative. It is radical.

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He went to Florida and came back controlled!! Interesting how all these republicans are mind controlled!

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THIS THIS THIS ALLLLLL DAY LONG. I have *never* been more disappointed in a politician I've voted for ... and I voted for W. Twice.

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Well done! I've been using the contact form on his website. Shockingly, I've even stopped getting the form letters his interns send out. Might've been my liberal and repeated use of terms like, "you f*ckers". Let us know how to help - is there a viable candidate to run against him?

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I'm going to be hanging out with Dauphin County Democrats tonight at a training so I will pick their brains. If I get a name, I will share it on here.

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Thank you.

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I haven't had replies from him lately, and never a reply from Mccormick.

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He also stopped answering me.

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The only answer I got from him a while ago was a form letter about some vague platitudes that had nothing to do with my email.

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Oh, I received 6 of the same form letter from McCormick. Last one I responded: Return to sender. Not interested in insincere form letters that are full of lies. No response since. 🙄

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No one ever answers Mccormick's phone. Always have to leave a message

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Connor Lamb would have been excellent!

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Bob Casey.

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Isn't he retiring?

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He was forced to retire b/c of a corrupted election, you know the one where Musk fucked with election machines(he and Trump have both admitted this publicly).

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Perfect, Johnny. So many feel the exact same way, myself included.

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Thank you!! I write him everyday, granted yours was so much better and to the point, so thank you as a fellow PA Dem!

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Me too. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.

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There are thousands of Pennsylvania voters like you.

He’s the Fettermanchin

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We need more people to do just this. Email these fuckers, write them, call them out

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Fetterman’s office, both, disconnects all calls. Two weeks now. He’s a coward.

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Same happens for me each time I call. I still send emails multiple times a week.

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In fairness, many Congress people's offices are getting more calls than they were designed to handle, by orders of magnitude. Trump is having that effect. It's probably not anyone actively disconnecting calls, but that their calling system drops many more calls then get answered.

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I’m from California, a blue state. Find another substitute candidate. Be prepared to get rid of him.

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Could you send us Katie Porter. She would be a great Senator

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PERFECTLY stated. I agree 100%. He has turned his back on his constituents and cares ONLY for his own political gain and lining his pockets with dark money. Primary that traitorous fucker!

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I sent a similar letter plus some calls and emails. He is a major disappointment.

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Could not have written this any better myself. Manchin clone he is.

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